basketball 3V3  Nike summer this year will launch
basketball 3V3 Nike summer this year will launch

  Nike summer this year will launch a "night fell, a day" brand activities, from July 4, begin at seven o'clock in the evening. @justdoit emits alarm clock movement, transfer various incentive young friends of the motion information and provide to Nike sports activities of information, called on the majority of young people out of the house movement, also in Beijing, Shanghai and Guangzhou respectively under the different line activities, support the brand activities, let the city become the athletic field, to fully mobilize the enthusiasm of the teenagers out of school sport.

  Following the last Nike ball to my brand activities, on the evening of July 4, Beijing hosted the a "Beijing dynamic city, midnight oil Quartet" Nike of surprise basketball; Shanghai lichen famous artists and athletes Jinyuan, appeared in Shanghai Zhengda Plaza, every corner of the mall into a "playground", launched the city into the activities of the campaign; Guangzhou, Nike, through a study entitled "for his alma mater, moving activities, I hope through the movement of the students and alumni to contact together and rekindle the passion.

  In July 4th 8 points, Nike held a basketball game in Beijing Language and Culture University, called the surprise basketball event. That night, after when the night falls was shrouded in darkness outdoor basketball court which lights, professional judges and famous basketball explanation member Wei Qi also came to the stadium. Surrounded by a professional cheerleading, led by the moderator Li3 xiang3 star basketball team HiBA suddenly debut, a fierce competition with the Beijing Language and culture university basketball team. The capital of the famous streetball team CL, Happy Crew and Nike high school league elite players also let the audience surprises.
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However, those with sealed components, including motors, controllers, and connectors, can also be operated outdoors. Performance IC forklifts tend to be utilized in heavy-duty applications, such as brick and lumber yards, where larger capacity and performance is required to move the heavy loads.
However, those with sealed components, including motors, controllers, and connectors, can also be operated outdoors. Performance IC forklifts tend to be utilized in heavy-duty applications, such as brick and lumber yards, where larger capacity and performance is required to move the heavy loads.
However, those with sealed components, including motors, controllers, and connectors, can also be operated outdoors. Performance IC forklifts tend to be utilized in heavy-duty applications, such as brick and lumber yards, where larger capacity and performance is required to move the heavy loads.
However, those with sealed components, including motors, controllers, and connectors, can also be operated outdoors. Performance IC forklifts tend to be utilized in heavy-duty applications, such as brick and lumber yards, where larger capacity and performance is required to move the heavy loads.